Job Schipper
Starting from 2008, Job has been deeply involved in the seaweed business. With the vision that seaweed has the potential to emerge to be a significant business, he established the seaweed company Hortimare BV in The Netherlands and Norway. With a background in horticultural science and business, it was the perfect set of expertise to start a seaweed ‘seed’ company. Job learned how to farm, propagate and breed seaweeds at Hortimare’s own seaweed farm at Solund in Norway, an IMTA farm, integrating salmon and seaweed farming. The Dutch seaweed hatchery has been developed to Europe’s most specialised companies in propagating and breeding of seaweed. Carrying this hands-on, practical expertise, Job decided to use this to support the development seaweed farming and industry as advisor / project manager in the SWD Connectors team. Job provides creative solutions to solve complex strategical, technological problems and is strongly motivated to develop seaweed farming to a large and profitable industry. Carrying a MSc in Horticulture science from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, in his career Job has served as a researcher and project manager at Syngenta Seed; sales and marketing manager for De Groot & Slot Allium seed company and Head of laboratories at Naktuinbouw.