In-/Outsourcing of technical staff

SWD Connectors maintains a network of seaweed industry personnel around the world. We are in frequent contact with companies that need additional staffing support or can provide unique services at a lower cost. SWD Connectors is your liaison to source or out-source the best qualified resources available.

  • Insourcing
  • Outsourcing
  • Job offering
  • Job offering within SWD Connectors
  • All variety of technical staff


Selecting the best people for the job is always a challenge. Given the SWD Connectors team has a vast network of experts, operators, captains, farmers, processors and maintenance staff, we can aid in the search for temporary or permanent hires.


Historically, SWD Connectors has been asked to help entrepreneurs reduce their costs, if only temporarily. One of the major cost drivers is staff on the payroll who are not operational for some weeks or months in โ€˜โ€™off-season.โ€™โ€™ In order to reduce this unnecessary expense, SWD Connectors team can help you out-source such resources and share them with other seaweed farmers or seaweed processors.

Job offering

Feel free to contact SWD Connectors if you are looking for a job in the seaweed sector. We are often aware of companies who need skilled and highly motivated employees across a variety of disciplines.

Job offering within SWD Connectors

SWD Connectors would welcome staff and self-employed entrepreneurs to support our work. If interested in joining our team, please send your resume and a brief cover letter. We will be more than happy to speak to you, stay in touch and perhaps recruit you for the next generation of SWD Connectors.

All variety of technical staff

In order to launch the seaweed industry into its next stage of commercialization and development, SWD Connectors has identified the following professions as highly relevant: captains / ship engineers / maritime expertise (fisherman) / seaweed farmers / biologists / seaweed processors / processing plant operators / engineers / electricians/ QA QC people / food-feed-cosmetic and alike expertise / seaweed product application experts / legal experts / regulatory experts (any many more).