Theo Verleun
As a seasoned international business manager, I bring a proven track record in commercializing (bio)technical complex ideas, products and processes to you, now also via the SWD-Connectors. No doubts there is significant room for improvement in the efficiency of biotech applications and bio-processing of seaweeds. I wish to contribute to your business plans and as such to the seaweed sector allowing us collectively to make the world a bit better for generations to come. Topics within my expertise are; Bioprocessing of seaweeds to healthy food & feed, renewable energy and bioplastics in cascaded value extraction processes. My contribution to SWD-Connectors and to you is to support the ambitions of the seaweed sector by linking personal experiences with a broad contacts network.

Job Schipper
Starting from 2008, Job has been deeply involved in the seaweed business. With the vision that seaweed has the potential to emerge to be a significant business, he established...

Bert Groenendaal

Javier Infante
Javier Infante has an MBA from San Sebastian University, Chile, as well as a bachelor’s degree in aquaculture engineering from Antofagasta University, Chile. He has more than...